Tears Of The Kingdom
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Tears Of The Kingdom

Jun 18, 2023

Having trouble finding Reede's voters for Cece in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom? Here's where you can find all 10!

When you first stop by Hateno Village to get a custom fabric job done on your paraglider, be sure to stop at Cece's Boutique to start a series of quests. Cece has an anime-Esq rivalry with Hateno mayor Reede, and she'll escalate that rivalry into an election bid right in front of Link's eyes.

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To start the actual election, you'll wind up uncovering banal secrets from both candidates, creating cheese, and the most time-consuming quest, which is a request from Cece herself. Get ready to suddenly get familiar with eight of the residents of Hateno Village.

Updated By Wyatt Grondin on June 3rd, 2023: Since the original publication of the guide, other guides that cover the series of side quests associated with Team Cece Or Team Reede? were released, each one discussing the major rewards for finishing the Hateno Election. Links to those have been added.

Walk back into the boutique after Cece announces for bid for mayor and have a quick chat with her. She has a master plan to sway voters but knows she and her sister Sophie are too busy with other preparations to get this task done. She'll hint at the idea of you doing it for her, and even if you try and say no, you'll get roped into her scheme. This idea of hers is effectively low-level bribery; Cece wants you to give a Hylian Mushroom to everyone she feels is more likely planning on voting for Reede and estimates a total of eight people.

Even though she knows the exact number, she doesn't know for sure who these people are. She says they're villagers who are not wearing her outfits, that you can't give the Mushrooms to Reede or his wife, and that children and travelers won't be able to vote, so they don't count. The only name she'll be able to recall is old man Tokk.

For those of you who love trying to outthink your games, if you just eat all eight of the Mushrooms and ask for more, Cece will tell you that she's not reimbursing you, and you'll just have to find more in the wild.

This young lady is Tamana, a farmer who, upon seeing Link, will instantly gain a crush, but that's not important. What is important is she is exactly what you are looking for. She doesn't wear any Cece clothing, which means not even a hat. She's often found sweeping the front entryway to the village but also works in the chicken coop. Like with the other correct choices, you'll gain a prompt to give the Mushroom after they finish saying something.

Medda is in the same rough area, so stop by him next. He's usually tending the crops at the front of the village, such as Hylian tomatoes.

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This is Uma; she's one of four villagers who are usually found in and around the Great Ton Pu Inn. Three of these four villagers have no interest in fashion, so by default, they are leaning toward Reede. Prima will be the odd one out in this situation, and she'll be the easiest to point out as she wears more than just a hat with Cece's branding and will usually be behind the front desk at the inn.

Leop is usually found on the bottom level of the inn; he's an older man who muses about the past. In his mind, this means fashion is a thing too fleeting to him, the same thing Uma will tell you. Both will reconsider when they receive the Mushrooms as they understand the gesture.

Worton is the final of the three. He's married to Prima and has nothing against Cece, just confused why the fashion is a big deal. He admits this is him being stubborn and will happily take the Mushroom. Like Cece herself, he will also make mention of old man Tokk, who will be the hardest one to track down.

Continue up the path through the village, do not go to the school, and for the moment, go to the pasture instead of the laboratory. This young lady is Koyin, and she's one of the most important characters for the election side quests. You must give her one of the Hylian Mushrooms, but while you are here, you should also retrieve her message in a bottle from the middle of the pond using Ultrahand and the nearby trees to make a raft, as Koyin will read that message to learn the secret behind Hateno Cheese. Hateno Cheese is a necessary item for Reede's side quest and a useable food for the rest of the game.

And don't forget to talk to Koyin's father Dantz, who will also be at the pasture. He's not part of the cheese-making side quest, so all you have to do is give him the Hylian Mushroom.

Cece will claim old man Tokk walks the path to the laboratory every morning but will sometimes go to the pasture later. This means his location isn't as set in stone as the others. For a good chance at getting him, sleep at the inn until noon and then go to the lab. It's likely he will have already made the journey and will just be standing in front of the lab, doing nothing. He'll happily take the Mushroom.

Cece will be happy with your work and give you a Big Hearty Truffle as a reward. This is a rare ingredient that, when cooked into a meal, will heal all of your lost hearts and give you extra yellow hearts on top of that. It's an above-decent reward, even when the rest of the quests are taken into account, and as this is easily the longest of the Hateno Election side quests, the reward is substantial. This will be your biggest hurdle between you and getting a new designer hat not on the market yet, lowering the Hylian Hood, and gaining the ability to buy back any unique armor pieces you've lost.

NEXT: The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - How To Get The Well-Worn Hair Band

Wyatt Grondin is a near life-long gamer who often goes for 100 percent completion ever since the days of Spyro 2. A fan of JRPGs and story-heavy games, he hopes to use his skills as a writer to help those also looking to check off those last few boxes in their favorite games.

Updated By Wyatt Grondin on June 3rd, 2023: and even if you try and say no, you'll get roped into her scheme. wants you to give a Hylian Mushroom . She says they're villagers who are not wearing her outfits, that you can't give the Mushrooms to Reede or his wife, and that children and travelers won't be able to vote, so they don't count. old man Tokk. Tamana, She doesn't wear any Cece clothing, which means not even a hat. sweeping the front entryway to the village but also works in the chicken coop. you'll gain a prompt to give the Mushroom after they finish saying something. Medda He's usually tending the crops at the front of the village, such as Hylian tomatoes. Uma; she's Three of these four villagers have no interest in fashion . Leop an older man who muses about the past. Worton do not go to the school go to the pasture instead of the laboratory. Koyin You must give her one of the Hylian Mushrooms, message in a bottle from the middle of the pond using Ultrahand and the nearby trees to make a raft, Koyin's father Dantz, who will also be at the pasture. old man Tokk walks the path to the laboratory every morning sleep at the inn until noon and then go to the lab. standing in front of the lab Big Hearty Truffle will heal all of your lost hearts and give you extra yellow hearts on top of that.